This Article is From Jan 27, 2011

A chocolate Mercedes this Valentine's Day

Tokyo: Like to gift chocolates to your loved one this Valentine's day? May we suggest a car instead? Only this one looks like chocolate.

Mercedes Benz has launched the chocolate-themed version of its Smart car in Tokyo.

Designed by a Japanese accessories company, Q-Pot, the bar of chocolate look-alike should find many takers in Japan where it is traditional for women to give men a gift of chocolate on Valentine's Day.

Q-Pot's Tadaaki Wakamatsu, the designer of the limited-edition car, and a chocolate lover himself, designed this version of the Smart car for the Valentine season.

"I designed this car hoping that not only men but also women would drive this car and spend sweet time at the wheel," he said.

Japanese women are expected to buy Valentines presents for their husbands, male members of their families, their boyfriends, their bosses and their male colleagues.

The 'choc-merc' goes on sale from the 2 February and would be available till 13 March, one day before the so-called 'White Day', when it's the turn of Japanese men to give presents to women.

The price for this chocolate-themed Smart car is 2.36 Million Yen or $28,780, a 25 per cent increase on the price of the regular smart car by Mercedes available in Japan.