Irrfan Aishwarya

'Irrfan Aishwarya' - 45 News Result(s)

  • Best Hindi Movies on Netflix [October 2020]
    Akhil Arora | Wednesday October 7, 2020
    The best Hindi movies to watch on Netflix India in 2020 are largely all Bollywood productions, featuring the likes of Aamir Khan, Kalki Koechlin, Naseeruddin Shah, Vidya Balan, Vishal Bhardwaj, and Kareena Kapoor.
  • The Best Hindi Movies on Netflix in India [July 2020]
    Akhil Arora | Friday July 3, 2020
    The best Hindi-language movies to watch on Netflix in India in 2020 come from both Bollywood and outside Bollywood. Our list covers top-grossing films (Dangal), critical darlings (Kaminey), and art-house fare (Soni).
  • Irrfan Khan Was The "Bravest Soul": <i>Jazbaa</i> Co-Star Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's Tribute
    Entertainment | Written by Gitanjali Roy | Wednesday April 29, 2020
    "The brightest, most genuine," wrote Aishwarya Rai Bachchan for Irrfan Khan
  • Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's <i>Fanne Khan</i> Gets A Release Date. Yay
    Entertainment | Written by Shruti Shiksha | Thursday May 31, 2018
    It's August 3, peeps
  • Abhishek Bachchan: Very, Very Proud of Aishwarya's Film <i>Jazbaa</i>
    Entertainment | Press Trust of India | Friday October 30, 2015
    "I saw Jazbaa and I loved the film. I'm very proud of my wife. The entire team of Sanjay Gupta, Irrfan Khan and others worked hard for the film. I am very, very proud of my wife," Abhishek told reporters at the opening ceremony of 17th Jio MAMI Mumbai International Film Festival
  • Aishwarya, Irrfan's Box Office <I>Jazbaa</i> is Almost in Double Digits
    Entertainment | Sunday October 11, 2015
    Jazbaa has been regarded as the Guzaarish actress' comeback movie but her co-star Irrfan believes otherwise. "For me she was always here. She didn't go anywhere. An actor should be allowed a gap. Her audience is still with her. People are her fan, her admirers, and they'll definitely go to watch her," he said in an interview to PTI
  • Aishwarya's <i>Jazbaa</i> Fails to Sway Box Office on Opening Day
    Entertainment | Saturday October 10, 2015
    Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's much-hyped comeback film Jazbaa is likely to be announced a damp squib if the opening day figures, Rs 3.75 crores, are anything to go by. A Box Office India report states that Saturday is 'crucial,' and a growth spurt of 50% a must, for the film to hold its own at the box office
  • Today's Big Releases: <I>Jazbaa</i>, <I>Rudhramadevi</i>
    Entertainment | Friday October 9, 2015
    The Sanjay Gupta-directed film, which also stars Irrfan Khan, revolves around a lawyer whose daughter has been kidnapped. She must defend a criminal on trial successfully in exchange for her daughter. Irrfan plays a suspended cop who helps her in her endeavour.
  • <i>Jazbaa'</i>s Irrfan Khan Says Promotion is a Burden on Filmmaking
    Entertainment | Indo-Asian News Service | Wednesday October 7, 2015
    "The film suffers sometimes because of the large money spent on promotions. The burden of promotions inevitably comes on the film. And the directors and actors are judged by the business which the film is doing. Audience decides what to watch or not from the trailer. Besides that all what we are doing is filling the space," said Irrfan
  • Aishwarya Was Always Here, Says Irrfan Khan on <i>Jazbaa</i> Co-Star's 'Comeback'
    Entertainment | Press Trust of India | Tuesday October 6, 2015
    "For me she was always here. She didn't go anywhere. An actor should be allowed a gap. Her audience is still with her. People are her fan, her admirers, and they'll definitely go to watch her," said Irrfan Khan, who will be seen along with Aishwarya Rai Bachchan in Sanjay Gupta's upcoming film Jazbaa
  • Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Didn't 'Carry' <i>Jazbaa</i> Character's Angst Home
    Entertainment | Puja Talwar | Tuesday October 6, 2015
    "Yes, it's tough being a working mom, my day starts early. I would drop Aaradhya to play school. 24 hours in a day are not enough but it's a regular job and being a mom's all about juggling work. It's no different at home," she said. "Being mom helped me play Anuradha Verma better. Five years ago if I had done this film, I would have tried to chann...
  • Irrfan Khan: My Chemistry With Aishwarya in <I>Jazbaa</i> is Unusual
    Entertainment | Press Trust of India | Sunday October 4, 2015
    "When you are a part of a story as an actor, you react to the other person according to the demand of the character. She (Aishwarya) has a beauty and that is mesmerising. She has an individuality and you admire that. She is a talented actress and I had great time working with her," said Irrfan
  • Irrfan Khan is Hopelessly Devoted to Aishwarya in New <I>Jazbaa</I> Song
    Entertainment | Wednesday September 30, 2015
    Through most of the films trailer and previously released songs, Irrfan has been grim and taciturn. This song explains why the reason is (of course, this is Bollywood) Aishwarya, though we cant tell yet if his love is unrequited. Unrequited or not, Irrfan spends a lot of his time now drinking in seedy bars
  • Aishwarya Goes to a Club in <i>Jazbaa</i> Song, But She's Not There to Party
    Entertainment | Friday September 25, 2015
    Ash's character is spotted flitting among the revelers at the bar, but in almost no make-up, just to make sure everyone knows she's not there to party. From inside the nightclub, she is suddenly and bewilderingly transported to a rooftop fight in which she's beaten up by a thug before co-star Irrfan Khan, playing a cop, comes to her rescue
  • This is Sanjay Gupta's 'Breaking News' on <i>Jazbaa</i>
    Entertainment | Press Trust of India | Thursday September 24, 2015
    Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's much-anticipated comeback film Jazbaa has received a U/A certificate from the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC). The film's director Sanjay Gupta shared the news on Twitter. Aishwarya plays a lawyer forced to fight the case of a criminal who is guilty of rape and murder. Irrfan plays a suspended cop

'Irrfan Aishwarya' - 45 News Result(s)

  • Best Hindi Movies on Netflix [October 2020]
    Akhil Arora | Wednesday October 7, 2020
    The best Hindi movies to watch on Netflix India in 2020 are largely all Bollywood productions, featuring the likes of Aamir Khan, Kalki Koechlin, Naseeruddin Shah, Vidya Balan, Vishal Bhardwaj, and Kareena Kapoor.
  • The Best Hindi Movies on Netflix in India [July 2020]
    Akhil Arora | Friday July 3, 2020
    The best Hindi-language movies to watch on Netflix in India in 2020 come from both Bollywood and outside Bollywood. Our list covers top-grossing films (Dangal), critical darlings (Kaminey), and art-house fare (Soni).
  • Irrfan Khan Was The "Bravest Soul": <i>Jazbaa</i> Co-Star Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's Tribute
    Entertainment | Written by Gitanjali Roy | Wednesday April 29, 2020
    "The brightest, most genuine," wrote Aishwarya Rai Bachchan for Irrfan Khan
  • Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's <i>Fanne Khan</i> Gets A Release Date. Yay
    Entertainment | Written by Shruti Shiksha | Thursday May 31, 2018
    It's August 3, peeps
  • Abhishek Bachchan: Very, Very Proud of Aishwarya's Film <i>Jazbaa</i>
    Entertainment | Press Trust of India | Friday October 30, 2015
    "I saw Jazbaa and I loved the film. I'm very proud of my wife. The entire team of Sanjay Gupta, Irrfan Khan and others worked hard for the film. I am very, very proud of my wife," Abhishek told reporters at the opening ceremony of 17th Jio MAMI Mumbai International Film Festival
  • Aishwarya, Irrfan's Box Office <I>Jazbaa</i> is Almost in Double Digits
    Entertainment | Sunday October 11, 2015
    Jazbaa has been regarded as the Guzaarish actress' comeback movie but her co-star Irrfan believes otherwise. "For me she was always here. She didn't go anywhere. An actor should be allowed a gap. Her audience is still with her. People are her fan, her admirers, and they'll definitely go to watch her," he said in an interview to PTI
  • Aishwarya's <i>Jazbaa</i> Fails to Sway Box Office on Opening Day
    Entertainment | Saturday October 10, 2015
    Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's much-hyped comeback film Jazbaa is likely to be announced a damp squib if the opening day figures, Rs 3.75 crores, are anything to go by. A Box Office India report states that Saturday is 'crucial,' and a growth spurt of 50% a must, for the film to hold its own at the box office
  • Today's Big Releases: <I>Jazbaa</i>, <I>Rudhramadevi</i>
    Entertainment | Friday October 9, 2015
    The Sanjay Gupta-directed film, which also stars Irrfan Khan, revolves around a lawyer whose daughter has been kidnapped. She must defend a criminal on trial successfully in exchange for her daughter. Irrfan plays a suspended cop who helps her in her endeavour.
  • <i>Jazbaa'</i>s Irrfan Khan Says Promotion is a Burden on Filmmaking
    Entertainment | Indo-Asian News Service | Wednesday October 7, 2015
    "The film suffers sometimes because of the large money spent on promotions. The burden of promotions inevitably comes on the film. And the directors and actors are judged by the business which the film is doing. Audience decides what to watch or not from the trailer. Besides that all what we are doing is filling the space," said Irrfan
  • Aishwarya Was Always Here, Says Irrfan Khan on <i>Jazbaa</i> Co-Star's 'Comeback'
    Entertainment | Press Trust of India | Tuesday October 6, 2015
    "For me she was always here. She didn't go anywhere. An actor should be allowed a gap. Her audience is still with her. People are her fan, her admirers, and they'll definitely go to watch her," said Irrfan Khan, who will be seen along with Aishwarya Rai Bachchan in Sanjay Gupta's upcoming film Jazbaa
  • Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Didn't 'Carry' <i>Jazbaa</i> Character's Angst Home
    Entertainment | Puja Talwar | Tuesday October 6, 2015
    "Yes, it's tough being a working mom, my day starts early. I would drop Aaradhya to play school. 24 hours in a day are not enough but it's a regular job and being a mom's all about juggling work. It's no different at home," she said. "Being mom helped me play Anuradha Verma better. Five years ago if I had done this film, I would have tried to chann...
  • Irrfan Khan: My Chemistry With Aishwarya in <I>Jazbaa</i> is Unusual
    Entertainment | Press Trust of India | Sunday October 4, 2015
    "When you are a part of a story as an actor, you react to the other person according to the demand of the character. She (Aishwarya) has a beauty and that is mesmerising. She has an individuality and you admire that. She is a talented actress and I had great time working with her," said Irrfan
  • Irrfan Khan is Hopelessly Devoted to Aishwarya in New <I>Jazbaa</I> Song
    Entertainment | Wednesday September 30, 2015
    Through most of the films trailer and previously released songs, Irrfan has been grim and taciturn. This song explains why the reason is (of course, this is Bollywood) Aishwarya, though we cant tell yet if his love is unrequited. Unrequited or not, Irrfan spends a lot of his time now drinking in seedy bars
  • Aishwarya Goes to a Club in <i>Jazbaa</i> Song, But She's Not There to Party
    Entertainment | Friday September 25, 2015
    Ash's character is spotted flitting among the revelers at the bar, but in almost no make-up, just to make sure everyone knows she's not there to party. From inside the nightclub, she is suddenly and bewilderingly transported to a rooftop fight in which she's beaten up by a thug before co-star Irrfan Khan, playing a cop, comes to her rescue
  • This is Sanjay Gupta's 'Breaking News' on <i>Jazbaa</i>
    Entertainment | Press Trust of India | Thursday September 24, 2015
    Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's much-anticipated comeback film Jazbaa has received a U/A certificate from the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC). The film's director Sanjay Gupta shared the news on Twitter. Aishwarya plays a lawyer forced to fight the case of a criminal who is guilty of rape and murder. Irrfan plays a suspended cop
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