This Article is From Jun 13, 2016

No, EMI Isn't Like EDM. And No, 'Every Rich Girl' Isn't Like This

No, EMI Isn't Like EDM. And No, 'Every Rich Girl' Isn't Like This

So uninformed is Ms Poor Little Rich Girl that she has to ask if beggars accept credit cards. (YouTube)


  • The video has been shared by a popular YouTube channel
  • They attempt to ridicule what they perceive as rich girl problems
  • It makes for an extremely exaggerated and misogynistic video
You know those really cute googly eyes used for arts and craft? Grab a dozen of those, because this video will make you roll your eyes so many times, at some point you'll need spares. This extremely exaggerated and misogynistic video, titled 'Every Rich Girl in the World,' has been doing the rounds and we would really like to know who exactly this video is based on.

The video, shared by a popular YouTube channel, attempts to ridicule what they perceive as rich girl problems. Only, it's not funny but over the top and fairly offensive. According to the video, every (mind you, every) daughter of a moneyed father is spoilt, entitled, snobbish, uninformed and unintelligent.

Apparently, she feels like an 'urban poor' because she can't afford a nose job and... wait for it... because her dad wasn't named in the Panama Papers.

So uninformed is Ms Poor Little Rich Girl that she has to ask what EMI means, where exactly Kanpur is, what black coffee is called in Hindi and if beggars accept credit cards.

Do you know anyone that dumb? And if you do - are they dumb because a) their dad is rich and b) they are female?

If your answer to the above was yes, if such a person really does exist then they should really be helped as soon as possible.

If your answer was no - as was ours - then perhaps the makers of the video should note that their offering falls in the realm of fiction and should be branded as such.

Take a look at the video and tell us what you think of it in the comments section below:
