This Article is From Nov 07, 2022

Supreme Court Frees 3 Rapist-Killers Called "Predators" By High Court

The 19-year-old woman's body had been found in a field in Haryana's Rewari district after she was kidnapped.

The Supreme Court today ordered the release of the three men convicted of rape and murder

New Delhi: The Supreme Court today freed three men convicted of raping and torturing a 19-year-old Delhi woman before killing her in 2012, months before the Nirbhaya case. The Delhi High Court had described them as predators trawling the streets for prey.

Here are top 10 points on this ruling

  1. In February 2012, the young woman's mutilated and burnt body was found in a field in Haryana's Rewari district, days after she was kidnapped. Severe wounds suggested that she was hit with car tools and earthen pots.

  2. A case was registered at a police station in Delhi's Najafgarh. The complaint alleged that the teen was kidnapped, raped and murdered, and the body was dumped in the Rewari field.

  3. Ravi Kumar, Rahul and Vinod were convicted by a Delhi court in February 2014 under various charges including kidnapping, rape and murder. The court sentenced them to death.

  4. The death penalty was backed by the Delhi High Court the same year, with the court saying that the convicts were "predators" moving on the streets "looking for prey".

  5. The three challenged the High Court ruling in Supreme Court, asking that their sentence be reduced. The bench of Chief Justice of India UU Lalit and Justices S Ravindra Bhat and Bela M Trivedi cancelled the High Court ruling and said all three would be freed.

  6. In Supreme Court, Delhi Police had opposed reducing the death sentence. They had said the crime was not committed only against the victim, but against the society. Police cited the heinous nature of the crime and argued against any concession whatsoever to the convicts.

  7. On behalf of the convicts, the defence counsel had cited their age, family background and past criminal record to press for a reduction in sentence.

  8. Following the Supreme Court verdict, the parents of the girl said they were "broken" by the judgment but asserted that they would continue their legal fight. "We came here for justice. This is a blind justice system."

  9. Underlining their 12-year struggle for justice, they also alleged that the convicts would threaten them inside the courtroom.

  10. 10. Months after this incident, a 23-year-old woman's gangrape, torture and killing on a moving bus in Delhi shook the nation, sparked massive protests and paved the way to tougher laws on sexual assault.

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