This Article is From Sep 07, 2022

Muscle Gain: Here's How You Can Maintain Muscle Gains

Muscle Gain: In this article, we discuss how you can successfully maintain gained muscles.

Muscle Gain: Here's How You Can Maintain Muscle Gains

Muscle Gain: Eating a protein-rich diet can help you maintain gained muscles

A certain amount of muscle mass is present in the human body on a genetic, sex-based hormone, and age-dependent basis. By engaging in physical activities that promote muscle growth and ingesting more calories than you expend to maintain new tissue, you can train your body to build more muscle.

Nonetheless, after you've gained new muscle mass, you risk losing it if you stop exercising or if you consume fewer calories than you exhaust. As you become older, your naturally occurring muscle mass will also decrease. Through exercise and diet, there are various techniques to stop muscle loss and keep your muscle mass. In this article, we discuss how you can successfully maintain gained muscles.

Here's how to maintain gained muscles:

1. Maintain protein intake

As you age, maintaining muscle mass will be easier if you eat healthful foods and consume the required quantity of protein for your level of activity. In order to retain muscle mass, you need to consume up to 1.2 grams of protein daily for every kilogram of body weight. Protein-rich foods are broken down by the body into amino acids, which are then used to create muscle. Protein-rich foods that help develop muscle include chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, red meat, yogurt, and beans.

2. Weight train whenever you can

Your training style has an impact on how well your muscles are maintained. Cardio is great for overall health and illness prevention, but it won't do as much to preserve your muscle mass. In reality, while the body tries to become lighter and more efficient to fulfill demands, too much endurance training can result in muscle loss. However, you can increase your capacity to keep muscle by incorporating resistance training into your cardio workouts and vice versa.

3. Eat enough calories

If you don't eat enough to keep your body weight in balance with the amount of energy you use for daily activities, such as physical activity, You would then most likely lose bone and muscle. You may maintain your muscle mass by paying attention to the total number of calories you eat.

4. Get proper sleep

Sleep is when you recover. Your body starts to rebuild and mend itself as a result of hormones like human growth hormone and testosterone. Make sure you get enough sleep because it assists with this process. Furthermore, it's crucial to relax since, if you're not mindful, mental stress can cause the release of catabolic stress hormones, which further damage your muscles.

5. Reduce carb intake

Carbohydrates are used by your body as energy when it is active (along with fat). when you're not working out enough, like excess calories of any kind, excess carbohydrates are stored as fat. At each meal and snack, it is recommended to have 15 to 25 grams of carbs.

In conclusion, maintaining muscle mass may not be as hard as you may think. Through proper diet, workout, and lifestyle choices, you can ensure your handwork does not go to waste. You must eat well and weight train to ensure your muscles stay intact.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
