Sara Ali Khan is trending again for her adaab to Bigg Boss 13 host Salman Khan. Her greetings to Salman before the show have gone viral, with netizens showering their love for Sara. The actress posted a video on Sunday which captures her greetings to Salman Khan outside the sets in Mumbai. The Kedarnath actress has been busy promoting her new film Love Aaj Kal with co-actor Kartik Aaryan. Recently, the duo were on sets of Bigg Boss 13 and shared the stage with host Salman Khan on the Weekend Ka Vaar episode, which aired on Sunday. In the promo video posted by Sara Ali Khan on Instagram, she is captured greeting Salman Khan with an adaab while having a conversation before entering the Bigg Boss house.
The promo video also shows Kartik Aaryan and Sara Ali Khan greeted the audience outside their vanity vans as they got ready for the show. Romantic-drama Love Aaj Kal features Kartik Aaryan and Sara Ali Khan as 'Veer' and 'Zoe.' On the post, Sara wrote: "Adaab Salman Khan, sir. And namaste darshako. Thank you for inviting Veer and Zoe to the Bigg Boss 13 house."
Don't you think Sara Ali Khan's adaab to Salman Khan was too cute?
Sara's fans have commented with several heart emojis on her post. Some have lovingly written "Love you Sara" while some were eagerly waiting to see the episode which was filled with fun and frolic with the two actors.
Here's how fans reacted:
Love Aaj Kal star Kartik Aaryan recently trended for revealing his Valentine's Day plans. At the trailer launch of the film, Kartik Aaryan called it "a date night" as he disclosed his February 14 night plans of watching Love Aaj Kal with Sara Ali Khan. Kartik Aaryan and Sara Ali Khan's upcoming film Love Aaj Kal is directed by Imtiaz Ali. The stars will be sharing the screen space for the first time. The movie releases on February 14.
Sara Ali Khan will also feature in the remake of 1995 film Coolie No 1 alongside Varun Dhawan. The movie is all set to release May 1. Meanwhile, Kartik Aaryan is on his next films including Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 and Dostana 2.