UPSC CMS Marksheet 2024: The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the marksheet for the Combined Medical Services (CMS) Examination 2024. Candidates who appeared for the exam can download their marksheets by visiting the official website, upsc.gov.in
UPSC CMS Marksheet: Steps To Download
Step 1. Visit the official website, upsc.gov.in
Step 2. On the homepage, click on 'Marks Information' under the Examination section
Step 3. A new page will appear on the screen
Step 4. Select the 'Combined Medical Services Examination' link
Step 5. Log in using your credentials
Step 6. View and download the marksheet
Step 7. Take a printout for future reference
UPSC CMS 2024: Selection Process
The selection process comprises:
Written Test: Objective MCQs
Personality Test: Interview
UPSC CMS 2024: Exam Structure
The examination is structured as follows:
Part I: Written Examination (500 Marks):
Two papers of 250 marks each, with a duration of two hours each.
Part II: Personality Test (100 Marks):
Candidates who qualify for the written examination will undergo a personality test worth 100 marks
UPSC CMS 2024: Written Examination Details
Paper I:
Marks: 250
Subjects: General Medicine and Paediatrics
Total Questions: 120 (96 from General Medicine, 24 from Paediatrics)
General Medicine: Topics include Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastrointestinal Disorders, and Neurology.
Paediatrics: Topics include Common Childhood Emergencies, Basic Newborn Care, and Immunization.
Paper II:
Marks: 250
Subjects: Surgery, Gynaecology & Obstetrics, Preventive & Social Medicine
Total Questions: 120 (40 questions from each subject)
Both papers consist of objective (Multiple Choice Questions) type questions and will be conducted exclusively in English.