The University Grants Commission (UGC) has released a cybersecurity handbook to educate faculty members, students, and non-teaching staff about cybersecurity. The book titled 'Handbook on Basics of Cyber Hygiene for Higher Education Institutions' is available on the UGC's website (https://www.ugc.gov.in/e-book/A Handbook on Basics of Cyber Hygiene/index.html#p= l)
The handbook has been developed as part of UGC's ongoing commitment to strengthen the cybersecurity framework within the higher education institutions.
An official notification by the UGC reads, "In light of the increasing importance of maintaining robust cyber hygiene, all Higher Education Institutions (HEls) are requested to encourage their faculty members, students, and non-teaching staff to refer to this handbook. Its proactive adoption will support the development of a secure academic ecosystem and ensure adherence to best practices for protecting digital assets in HEls."
As per UGC, the handbook serves as an essential resource to enhance the cyber resilience of educational institutions. It provides comprehensive knowledge and practices that promote a safety culture in the digital environment for students, faculty members, and non-teaching staff.
Cybersecurity has emerged as a crucial domain over the last few years due to the rise in digital revolution. The demand for these professionals has increased as companies need Cybersecurity experts for keeping a check on the data breach and fraud in businesses. Several IITs and top premier institutes in the country are offering Cybersecurity courses in the country. The School of Open Learning (SOL) at Delhi University is also offering various short term courses on Certified Market Expert (CMX), Wealth Management Programme and Cyber-Security Training.