Through this exam, TNPSC selects candidates for the Village Administrative Officer (VAO) post and other Group 4 service posts, such as Junior Assistant, Personal Assistant to Chairman, Typist and Steno-typist, Personal Clerk to Managing Director/General Manager, Private Secretary, Junior Executive, Receptionist cum Telephone Operator, Bill Collector, Milk Recorder, Laboratory Assistant, Senior Factory Assistant, Forest Guard, Forest Guard with Driving License, Forest Watcher, Forest Watcher (Tribal Youth), and Junior Inspector of Cooperative Societies.
TNPSC Group 4 Results 2024: Steps To Download
- Go to the commission's official website, tnpsc.gov.in
- Find the recruitment section and click on the Group 4 Results link
- Enter your login details and submit them
- Check your results and save them
- Take a printout of the result for future reference
TNPSC Group 4: Exam Pattern
The TNPSC Group 4 paper consists of 200 questions, and the duration of the exam is three hours. Candidates need to score more than the minimum qualifying marks. The paper is divided into two parts, each consisting of 100 questions and 150 marks.
Candidates are selected based on a written exam and document verification. After the written exam results are released, the Commission will release a tentative list of eligible candidates and ask them to upload all the certificates supporting their claims for onscreen certificate verification. After verification, candidates will be called for counseling and will be allotted the post and unit/department in the order of rank and category to which they are eligible as per the vacancy position.