This Article is From Aug 04, 2015

Haven't Got 5 Lakh Compensation Promised by Kejriwal: Parents of Stabbed Girl

Haven't Got 5 Lakh Compensation Promised by Kejriwal: Parents of Stabbed Girl

File photo of AAP chief and Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal

New Delhi: The parents of the 19-year-old girl who was stabbed to death in the capital, on Monday reached the Delhi assembly complaining that they were yet to receive the compensation of Rs 5 lakh promised by the AAP government.

"We have not got the Rs 5 lakh from the government. Nobody visited us after the chief minister (Arvind Kejriwal)," said Usha, the mother of Meenakshi who was murdered by her stalkers in July.

Usha and her husband Raj Kumar said they were initially not allowed to enter the assembly premises where the one-day special session was on to discuss women's safety.

However, later, they were allowed to sit in the visitors' gallery to watch the proceedings of the house.

"I don't know what is happening here," Usha told reporters.

"We have come here because we were told that our complaint would be resolved here," she added.