This Article is From Jun 04, 2018

This Panda Struggling To Wake Up Is All Of Us Every Monday Morning

Monday mornings be like...

This Panda Struggling To Wake Up Is All Of Us Every Monday Morning

The video shows a nanny trying several times to get the panda up but all his attempts go in vain.

Alas, another Monday is here. Guess we owe the amazing weekend that's over two minutes of silence. If you're struggling to keep it together, still half-asleep and reminiscing about the weekend that went by too quickly, here's something just for you. We found the most adorable panda video ever that easily reflects how most of us act every Monday morning.

Posted by Shanghaiist on May 31, the video shows a fluffy, huggable panda being woke up its nanny. Only this panda seems to be in no mood to wake up and get on with its day. The little-over-a-minute long video shows the nanny trying several times to get the panda up but all his attempts go in vain. This panda wants to complete its beauty sleep and ain't letting anyone ruin it! Looks like the biggest difference between the panda and most of us is... the panda can stay asleep unlike us who have to get on with our Monday.

Watch the delightful video below:

"That is my mom trying to wake me up every morning," comments one Facebook user. "I think my soul was switched with a Panda!" says another.

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