This Article is From Apr 01, 2020

Mumbai Civic Body Identifies 145 "Containment Zones" To Curb COVID-19 Spread

Coronavirus: The Mumbai civic body identified these containment zones, where either one or more COVID-19 cases were found or suspected patients lived, an official said.

Mumbai Civic Body Identifies 145 'Containment Zones' To Curb COVID-19 Spread

Mumbai's containment zones include slums, nursing homes, housing colonies (Representational)


The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) has identified over 145 "containment zones" across the city and sealed some of them completely with the help of police to prevent the spread of coronavirus, an official said on Wednesday.

The civic body identified these containment zones, where either one or more COVID-19 cases were found or suspected patients lived, the official said.

These containment zones include slums, isolated buildings, nursing homes and housing colonies, he said.

"Some areas, including Worli Koliwada, Prabhadevi and Bimbisar Nagar in the western suburb of Goregaon, fell under the red zone and were sealed completely with the help of the police," he added.

All the entry and exit points of these red zones are barricaded and no one is allowed to go in and out of these areas, the official said, adding that disinfectants were also sprayed to sanitise these places.

Meanwhile, a Shiv Sena corporator from Central Mumbai said that Municipal Commissioner Praveen Pardeshi had held a meeting with city corporators through video-conferencing on Tuesday and asked them to provide assistance to people living in containment zones.

"The BMC is making all necessary arrangements in these areas, but we have been asked to provide food or other necessary things," he added.

Till Wednesday evening, the number of coronavirus positive patients in Mumbai were 181, including 12 deaths.
