This Article is From Oct 09, 2010

Racial email scandal: India reacts sharply, urges Australia to take action

New Delhi: India has reacted sharply over a racist email scandal involving top Australian police officers. The Australian High Commissioner to India, Peter Verghese, was summoned by the Ministry of External Affairs on Saturday after top Victoria Police were caught circulating offensive mails on an Indian electrocuted on a train.

In a statement, the Ministry said, "It was conveyed to Australian envoy that such an entrenched bias among sections of law enforcers towards the Indian community is a matter of serious concern.  Such behavior and attitudes have no place in any society. We sincerely hope that apart from taking action against concerned officers, Australian authorities will also take necessary and effective measures to address concerns about safety of all people of Indian origin in Australia."

Reacting to the issue, the Australian High Commissioner said his government strongly condemned the offensive email.

"Can I just say, in relation to this e-mail that the Australian government, the Victorian government and the commissioner of the Victorian police condemn it in the strongest possible terms. This is an e-mail which is offensive; it's unacceptable and it's completely contrary to the principles of respect and tolerance that we seek to embed in Australian society," said Peter Varghese.

"This might be a way to fix the Indian student problem." That was the plan of the Victoria police, taking their cue from a video which showed an Indian travelling on the roof of a train getting electrocuted when he touched some high voltage cables. The video of a real incident in India, and circulated as a joke by the policemen, was exposed in a sting by Australia's Herald Sun. (Read: Australia police in racist e-mail sting)

The sting implicates 30 police officials, and so far four have been sacked, one demoted, and five others fined. But despite the Victoria premier John Brumby saying the incident was contrary to Victoria's values, Indians in Australia are far from reassured.

"We are shocked, and this controversy is appalling. They must issue an apology to the Indian students," said Gautam Gupta, from the Federation of Indians Students of Australia (FISA).

There are over 70,000 Indian students in Australia. Enrolments from the sub-continent have fallen by half in 2010, after recent incidents of hate crimes.

While more officers will face the disciplinary panel in the next few weeks, all attempts made by the state of Victoria to ease racial tension following the attacks on people of Indian origin have been set back, and may need some drastic damage control.