Prime Minister Narendra Modi On Saturday launched 5G services in India at a telecom event in New Delhi. PM Modi termed the launch as a "dawn of a new era" in India.
Here are PM Modi's top quotes from the event:
Today, the launch of 5G is a gift from the telecom industry to 130 crore Indians. This summit is global but the voice is local. Today is a special day to witness New India's capabilities.
India will play an important role in the technological revolution of the world. With 5G India is leading & setting the global standard in telecom technology. 5G will open many opportunities for the youth. This is a big step towards our vision of a Viksit Bharat.
The new India will not only remain a consumer of technology but rather, will play a significant role in the implementation of technology for the growth of the country.
Digital India is not just an initiative, but the vision that will propel us to achieve the vision of New India. Through Digital India we can ensure holistic growth.
Digital India's success is based on four pillars: Cost of Device, Digital Connectivity, Data Costs, and Digital First Approach.
Prices of electronics will go down only when we become Aatmanirbhar. In 2014, there were only two mobile manufacturing facilities, today that number has increased to over 200 manufacturing facilities. Today, New India is the second largest manufacturer of mobile phones in the world.
Connectivity is one of the major strengths of the communication sector. In 2014, broadband users accounted for six crore, today it is more than 80 crore.
India's vision of digital connectivity can be seen in the steep increase in rural connectivity. From just 100 gram panchayats with optical fiber connectivity, we now have over 170,000 panchayats connected with optical fiber. We have taken digital connectivity from just the elite to the grassroots in India, and this has spurred innovation in the country.
With a digital-first approach we have been successful in building a robust network of citizen-centric services such as online payments. Digital India has given every citizen a market. Even the smallest street vendor is using the facility of UPI.
Earlier, the cost of 1GB of data was around Rs 300, today, the same is around Rs 10. With developments in technology & telecom, India will lead the Industry 4.0 revolution. This is not the decade of India, but the century of India