This Article is From Jul 31, 2016

In Gurgaon's Hellish Rain, Traffic, Doctors Battled Over Life And Death

An ambulance driver, recounted how he was ferrying a heart patient on Thursday.

Gurgaon: While traffic jams snaked for as long 15 km and commuters were stuck for up to six hours after two straight days of rainfall on Thursday and Friday, another nightmare was unfolding for those in need of medical attention in the millennium city.

Doctors were late for surgeries and ambulances were stuck for what seemed like forever in terrible traffic snarls due to water-logging.

When NDTV visited the Alchemist Hospital in Gurgaon today, doctors and staff recounted their ordeal.

For Dr Midur Sharma, it was a double whammy. Five hours to cover a distance that usually takes 45 minutes meant that surgeries got delayed.

When he got back home, after another five-hour drive, he was informed that his grandmother needed to be rushed to the hospital as she had suffered a stroke.

"The hospital is barely 3-4 km from my house and usually takes 15 minutes. Yesterday it took me 2 hours to get my grandmother there. The first four hours after a stroke are very crucial. I could attend to her because I'm a medico but not everyone is," Dr Sharma told NDTV.

Sundar, an ambulance driver at the same hospital, recounted how he was ferrying a heart patient on Thursday but a distance of 30 minutes took two-and-a-half hours to cover.

"The patient was in a serious condition. There was too much water-logging because sewage pipes had broken. There were two helpers in the ambulance who got off and helped move cars and clear some of the water. Else we would have never made it on time," he said.

As the city tries to recover from the chaos of the last two days, the administration is now facing questions from angry citizens for whom the disastrous situation could have been a question of life and death