This Article is From Feb 05, 2012

India votes in favour of UN resolution to end violence in Syria

New Delhi: India has voted in favour of a United Nations resolution backing an Arab League peace plan that calls for ending the violence and a peaceful negotiated settlement in Syria.  In the official statement, India opposes use of force and favours a political dialogue.

Russia and China vetoed the resolution at the UNSC that called on the Syrian President Bashar Assad to step down, while India along with the US and 12 others backed the move.

France, Britain and Pakistan also voted in favor of the resolution aimed at putting pressure on Syria to end its 11-month-long crackdown on anti-government protests that has
killed more than 200 people in one of the bloodiest episodes of the uprising against Assad's regime.

This is the second time that Russia and China have carried out their double veto after the first one on October 5.

Voting in favour of the UNSC resolution, India said it supported the effort of the Arab League for a peaceful resolution of the 11-month-old Syrian crisis.

"Our support for the Resolution is in accordance with our support for the efforts by the Arab League for a peaceful resolution of the crisis through a Syrian-led inclusive political process," said Hardeep Singh Puri, the Indian Ambassador to the UN.

Explaining the reasons for India's position on Syria, Puri told the powerful 15-member body that New Delhi believes that the leadership of Syria is a matter for the Syrian people to decide.

"It would be necessary for all opposition forces in Syria to peacefully engage in constructive dialogue with the authorities. We hope that this will create a new environment for peace and facilitate a political process," he said.

He said this political dialogue should build upon the "political reforms already announced by the Syrian leadership with necessary changes so that they find acceptance among all
sections of Syrian society".

Expressing concern over the present situation in Syria, resulting in the deaths of thousands of civilians and security forces personnel over the last 11 months, Indian envoy Puri said since the beginning of the protest, New Delhi has called for a peaceful and inclusive political process to address the grievances of all sections of Syrian society.

"We strongly condemn all violence, irrespective of whoever the perpetrators are. We also condemn all violations of human rights. India holds the rights of expression and peaceful assembly among the fundamental values that should be respected, while ensuring stability and security of the society," Puri underlined.

He said India has conveyed this message to the Syrian leadership, both bilaterally as well as along with its IBSA partners.

"We have impressed upon the Syrian side to abjure violence and pay heed to the aspirations of the people of Syria. This message was also contained in the Council's PRST issued in August 2011 under India's Presidency," the top Indian envoy said.

India, Puri said, is firmly of the view that a political process for resolution of the present crisis should be led by the Syrians themselves.

We believe that the main role of the international community, including this Council, is to facilitate engagement of the Syrian Government with all sections of Syrian society
for an inclusive political process, taking into account the legitimate aspirations of all Syrians while ensuring respect for the country's sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity," Puri said.

(With inputs from PTI)