This Article is From Aug 31, 2017

Improve Your Eyesight with Simple Tips and a Good Diet

The blue light is considered to be harmful for our eyes. Dry eyes, watery eyes and headaches are some signs of eye problems that may become worse if not treated at the right time.

Improve Your Eyesight with Simple Tips and a Good Diet


  • Most desk jobs require us to stick to our seats and stare at the screen
  • The blue light is considered to be harmful for our eyes
  • Dry eyes, watery eyes and headaches are some signs of eye problems
Most desk jobs require us to stick to our seats and stare at the screen for more than eight hours straight. Apart from this, we also spend a lot of time constantly looking at our smartphones or tablets. Surely, these technological devices have made our lives easy but their prolonged use has been taking a toll on our health. The blue light is considered to be harmful for our eyes. Dry eyes, watery eyes and headaches are some signs of eye problems that may become worse if not treated at the right time. Here are some tips to maintain and improve your eyesight-

1. Drink plenty of water

Drink at least eight glasses of water to avoid dehydration, as it may hasten the development of cataract. Keeping yourself hydrated will keep your eyes moist, healthy and clean.

2. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables

Consume foods that are rich in antioxidants that may include colourful berries to delay the process of progression of certain eye conditions.

3. Add vitamin A to your diet

Vitamin A protects the eyes from damage caused by harmful bacteria and oxidative stress. Foods that are rich in vitamin A and beta carotene may include fish, liver, leafy green vegetables and tropical fruits.

4. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that is abundantly available in fruits and vegetables like tomato, orange, red pepper, broccoli, etc. Vitamin C has the ability to help lower the risk of vision loss and the development of macular degeneration.

5. Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids prevent your eyes from drying up and ensure proper drainage of fluids. Foods like flaxseed oil, walnuts and dark green leafy vegetables are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

Other than this, give your eyes a break from digital devices every now and then and use sunglasses with UV protection so that your eyes are protected from the harmful rays of the sun whenever you step out.

