This Article is From Dec 09, 2013

Politics has made me patient, Arvind Kejriwal tells NDTV

New Delhi: Arvind Kejriwal's Aam Aadmi Party today made a spectacular political debut in the Delhi polls, winning 28 of the Delhi's 70 seats, just four behind the BJP, which is on top. Mr Kejriwal himself defeated three-time chief minister Sheila Dikshit in her constituency of New Delhi by over 20,000 votes. (Read: Arvind Kejriwal sweeps Sheila Dikshit out in Delhi)

In an exclusive interview with NDTV, Mr Kejriwal said that politics has taught him patience and made him inclusive as far as people and issues are concerned.

Following are the highlights of his interview:

  • Let the Lt. Governor decide what happens in Delhi next
  • We will be a responsible opposition
  • It is a joke to suggest that we could take support from Congress
  • We don't need a character certificate from Rahul Gandhi
  • It makes no difference to me that Rahul Gandhi said Congress needs to learn from AAP
  • I feel bad sometimes when Anna Hazare criticises me in public. I want his blessings
  • So what if Prashant and I have different views on Kashmir. Individuality should be encouraged
  • I would describe my mood as being at peace with myself
  • Today history has been made and Indian politics have changed forever. We are very ordinary folk, this is people's victory
  • The victory margins you see for the AAP candidates show how angry the people were
  • BJP is trying approaching our candidates. People will try to break AAP but none of our members are going to give in
  • We don't have majority. How can we take support from the Congress
  • Rome wasn't built in a day. We have reached this far. Now we'll go on from here
  • Do you see a wave for Narendra Modi? Where is it? The BJP's vote share has gone down
  • The people of Delhi have given hope to the people of India. Only the common man can save India
  • We aren't just a party of Delhi. We have to remove corruption from the entire country
  • The democracy of India was held hostage by communal, corrupt politics of these parties. We have liberated it today
  • I don't want to become Prime Minister or Chief Minister. I am just a common man
  • The people elect their own leaders from the grassroots. Leaders don't come with appointment letters
  • The people have rejected both the BJP and the Congress in Delhi
  • Politics has taught me patience and made me inclusive as far as people and issues are concerned
  • We are not here to make careers, we have left our careers to clean up the system