This Article is From Aug 17, 2010

Teen hit by lightning while washing family car

Colorado: There is a saying that "Lightning never strikes twice in the same place".

Savanah Vowers, a 14-year-old Colorado girl will be hoping this saying is true.

She is recovering from minor injuries after she was hit by lightning, while washing the family car.

Recounting the incident Savanah says "There were a few clouds in thesky when I was washing my mom's SUV. I saw lightning out of the cornerof my eye, and right then I felt tingling all throughout my leg."

Vowers says the bolt that struck the ground, travelled through thewater she was standing in and caused her great pain "It really reallyhurt in my elbow, it felt like my bones were just, ugh, crunching andit just, it really really hurt."

She was taken to a nearby hospital where the doctors declared her fit and fine. Her fingers are still numb...though the feeling is expected to return soon.

Savanah is starting high school next week...and she will have quite a "Summer Vacation Story" to share with her friends.