This Article is From Apr 09, 2009

LTTE using TN leaders to pressurise us: Lanka

Colombo: Claiming that the LTTE was on the verge of ",defeat", after suffering huge casualties at the hands of Sri Lankan security forces, the government has said that the Tamil tigers are making desperate efforts to rope in Indian leaders to stop the ongoing offensives against them.

",It is very clear that the LTTE is at a decisive stage. And no one can stop them getting defeated. So, they are trying their maximum to get Tamil Nadu (leaders) to pressurise the Indian government to pressurise the Sri Lankan government,", Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, the Defence Secretary and brother of Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa, said.

",That is what the LTTE want and that is why this sudden pressure is coming. The (Sri Lankan) Government expects this situation as we know there is no other way for the LTTE. Anyway, the LTTE cannot escape facing military offensives now,", he told the Sunday Observer.

Gotabhaya comment comes a day after Prime Minister Manmohan Singh asked President Rajapaksa on Saturday to ensure that Tamils do not get ",enmeshed", in the conflict with LTTE and that their rights and safety are upheld.

During a telephonic conversation initiated by Rajapaksa, Singh said there could be no military solution to the conflict in the island country and asked the President to start a political process for a peacefully negotiated settlement within the framework of a united Sri Lanka.

Rajapaksa also sought reciprocity from India on permitting fishing in each others territorial waters.

",For the last three years we have never prosecuted a single Indian fisherman though they are coming to our areas. Though we have arrested and questioned them, they were not subjected to any legal process,", he said and alleged that Sri Lankan fishermen have been arrested, prosecuted and detained for over two to three months.