A heartwarming video has taken social media by storm, showcasing the kindness of two Hyderabad-based vloggers, Vinita and Nikita, towards delivery agents. In a world where these workers often face rudeness or indifference, the vloggers' thoughtful gestures have warmed the hearts of internet users. In the video, the duo placed orders through Swiggy Instamart and Blinkit, but instead of keeping the deliveries, they surprised the agents by handing over the gifts.
The video captures the moment when a delivery agent hands over an order, only to be surprised with a generous gesture. One of the vloggers says, "Ye gift hai" (This is a gift), leaving the agent stunned. "Mere liye?" (This is for me?), the agent asks, disbelieving, before bursting into a warm smile and expressing gratitude. The vloggers repeated this kind of act with multiple delivery agents and captured their wholesome reactions.
"We ordered gifts from Swiggy and Blinkit and gave them to the delivery partners who brought them," read the caption in the video.
Watch the video here:
The heartwarming video went viral, garnering widespread acclaim from social media users who were deeply touched by the vloggers' kind gesture. The comments section was overwhelmed with an outpouring of positivity, as users praised Vinita and Nikita for their selfless act, which brought joy and inspiration to many.
One user wrote, "When we say we want to become rich , it is to do stuff like this. Thanks for making the world a better place." Another commented, "their smiles are so precious."
A third said, "This is what we all should do even if u can bring smile on 1 face .. tears of joy and happiness." A fourth added, "No doubt you have given them a very happy beginning to a new year. So Nice of you."
"Ek hi to dil hai, kitni baar jeetogay," the official handle of Swiggy Instamart responded. The official handle of Blinkit delivery partners also commented on the video and wrote, "Thank you." Swiggy India shared, "Sweetest deliveries."
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