This Article is From Aug 07, 2017

He Appeared On TV Without Pants On, His Son 'Exposed' Him In Viral Video

Another dad learns the perils of working from home.

He Appeared On TV Without Pants On, His Son 'Exposed' Him In Viral Video

Fortunately, the man filmed in his shorts seems to have a sense of humour about the entire incident

A behind-the-scenes peek at a man's unusual sartorial choice while he was on live TV is massively viral. Majid Asfour, a Jordanian political analyst, was speaking to Al Jazeera via Skype, when his son ratted him out and filmed a behind-the-scenes video that will have you laughing out loud. The 12-second video shows Mr Asfour doing the interview in a formal blazer, shirt and tie but, umm, no pants. 

In the video, the former editor-in-chief of Al Rai Arabic, has his laptop propped up on two cushions. All that can be seen as he speaks is the upper portion of his body. 

The video pans from a television screen beaming the interview live to him (sitting in his shorts) and back to the TV. Needless to say, it makes for a hilarious watch.

Watch the viral video below:

The video, Mr Asfour tells Jordan Times, filmed by his son, Manaf, who sent it to his friends. It was shared multiple times and uploaded on Twitter by the Abu Dhabi Network on July 26.

"The temperature in Amman was above 30 degrees Celcius and I was at home, so I decided to wear a jacket, a shirt and go on air like this," Jordan Times reports Mr Asfour as saying. 

He jokingly added while he has been a political commentator for years, this is the "first time" he has received so much publicity. 

Remember BBC Dad? Professor Robert Kelly and his family were catapulted to Internet-stardom after his kids hilariously waltzed in as he was speaking live to the BBC. A comedy of errors ensued as his wife darted in behind them. The "videobombing" quickly went massively viral with many laughing off the moment as a classic example of one of the many perils of working from home. Now, this Jordanian political analyst learnt a similar lesson the hard way.Click for more trending news
