This Article is From Feb 28, 2018

When Time Will Come, I Will Fight Polls: Hardik Patel

The 24-year-old leader also said he has an offer from Congress leaders to fight the 2019 Lok Sabha polls.

When Time Will Come, I Will Fight Polls: Hardik Patel

Hardik Patel said he is yet undecided on his timing for entry into electoral politics

Ahmedabad: Patidar quota stir leader Hardik Patel on Tuesday said he will enter electoral politics in the future.

The 24-year-old leader also said he has an offer from Congress leaders to fight the 2019 Lok Sabha polls.

"When the time will come, I will definitely fight polls. I will not fight elections just for the sake of it, but will fight polls to raise the issues of people," Mr Patel told reporters.

He was asked to reveal from which party has he received the offer to fight polls.

"Many Congress leaders have asked me to fight Lok Sabha polls of 2019. Before the state elections, Gujarat Pradesh Congress Committee (GPCC) president (Bharatsinh Solanki) had offered me ticket to fight elections, but I had said no at that time due to age reason," Mr Patel said.

Mr Patel was underage to fight elections at that time.

"In 2019, I will definitely be over 25 years and can fight polls," he hinted.

However, Mr Patel said that yet he is undecided on his timing for entry into electoral politics.

Before the state assembly elections Hardik Patel had campaigned for Congress party, however, BJP won the state assembly polls and managed to retain power.

Mr Patel had led a violent agitation for inclusion of his community in OBC list for reservations in educational institutes and government jobs.