This Article is From Jul 18, 2009

What's so special about July 22 eclipse?

What's so special about July 22 eclipse?

AP image

New Delhi: What's a solar eclipse?

A solar eclipse takes place when the Moon moves between the Sun and the Earth, blocking out the Sun from the areas on the Earth where the Moon's shadow falls. Depending on where one is located, the Sun appears to be fully or partially covered. When fully covered, it is called total solar eclipse.

How can Moon, which is so small, cover the Sun?
The Sun is about 400 times away the Earth as the Moon as. And since the Moon's diameter is 400 times smaller than that of the Sun, the Moon appears to fit perfectly, hiding the Sun completely.  

I've never observed a total solar eclipse before. Tell me how's it like?
It is rather spectacular and that's why the usual excitement. Slowly the Moon covers the Sun, and the day began turning into night. The stars began to appear and confused birds began flying around. The best part is when, completely covered by the Moon, the Sun appears like a heavenly halo in the sky.

People have been talking about triple eclipses. How's July 22, 2009 eclipse is linked to that?
Actually, we are witnessing an interesting astronomical event. There was a lunar eclipse on July 7, 2009. Then we will have a solar eclipse on July 22, 2009. And another lunar eclipse on August 6, 2009.

People are also saying that triple eclipses happen after long gaps and bring bad luck.
Not at all. There were two triple eclipses in 1989 and one each in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2009.

What's so special about July 22, 2009 eclipse?
It will be the first total solar eclipse of 21st century that will be visible from India. It will also be of the longest duration. 

Which will be best place to watch it?
Taregana, 25 kilometres south of Patna, will be one of the best locations to watch the total solar eclipse of July 22. Surat in Gujarat will be another. Patna will be witnessing a solar eclipse after a gap of over 100 years.

And what will be the time frame?
The eclipse will began at 5:28 am, when the shadow of the moon touches the Earth at local sunrise at a point in the Arabian Sea close to the western coast of India. The eclipse ends at l0:42 am, when Moon's shadow finally leaves the Earth at local sunset at a point in the South Pacific Ocean.

Will it be safer to watch the eclipse when the Moon has more or less blocked out the Sun?
No, viewing even the partly eclipsed Sun without protective equipment will result in a retinal burn. The injury may cause permanent damage to vision.

But I know someone who watched an eclipse and nothing happened then.
No pain is felt when the retina is being burned. In fact, symptoms of damage could take several hours and by that time it is too late.