This Article is From Oct 16, 2022

"Major Cultural Export": Anand Mahindra On This Idli Vending Machine

Anand Mahindra,known for his unique social media updates, has shared a clip of a machine that serves the South Indian delicacy.

'Major Cultural Export': Anand Mahindra On This Idli Vending Machine

He said he would love to see this machine at airports and malls.


Imagine a vending machine that serves fresh piping hot idlis. Finding it difficult? Well, we have a video here, courtesy industrialist Anand Mahindra. Anand Mahindra, known for his unique social media updates, has shared a clip of a machine that serves the South Indian delicacy. 

It starts with a woman scanning a QR code placed in front of the vending machine. She then selects from the options available. Apart from idlis, vada is also a part of the menu. Moments later, we can see how the machine is preparing the idlis. Once done, the food item, wrapped in a paper box, is moved to the collection window. The clip ends with the woman giving a thumbs-up to the dish. 

As per Mr Mahindra, this idli vending machine “will be a major cultural export.” The 67-year-old added that he would love to see this at airports and malls. 

The tweet caption read, “So many have attempted to create robotic food prep/vending machines. Presume this meets FSSAI standards and the ingredients are refreshed adequately? How is the taste, Bengaluru folks? I would love to see this pop up in airports/malls globally. Will be a major “cultural” export.”

The clip has clocked more than 40,000 views on the social media platform. 

Finding it hard to believe, a user said, “This is unbelievable. Customers also have the options to carry away or stand there and eat? Great stuff.”

Another said, “Yes, sir. It's a good concept but it will take time for implementation and people to accept it at airports and malls.” 

“Impressive sir .....indeed,” read a comment. 

Meanwhile, a few were not convinced by the idea of an idli vending machine. “Nothing to beat hand-made idli's in terms of taste and warmth.”

A person added, “I would still go and eat at the local food joint or hotel.”

This user came up with a suggestion. “Sir, it will be better if it gets installed in company canteens. Workers/employees serving time will be saved.”

Another stated, “At Railway Station also.. for thous who are waiting for trains.”

“Let's hope this initiative takes off,” stated some of the people on the micro-blogging site.

In the middle of this, a user replied to Anand Mahindra's query about the taste of the idlis.

What do you have to say about this?
