This Article is From May 18, 2009

Fears of pro-LTTE backlash in Tamil Nadu


The Sri Lankan Deputy High Commission in Chennai is with a thick security blanket. It's a possible target of pro LTTE groups in Tamil Nadu. The Police has rustled up para-military forces as well to quell any possible violent echo to the news of LTTE Chief Prabhakaran's killing.

On Sunday, a popular shopping mall in Chennai was ransacked by a pro Tiger outfit.

The ruling DMK has sounded another warning to Colombo to desist from targetting Tamils in the island nation.

"If there's forced settlement of Sinhalese in Tamil dominated areas, it will be the right and duty of Tamils, the Tamil Nadu government and parties to protest," said M Karunanidhi Chief Minister, Tamil Nadu.

Just last week, the people of Tamil Nadu voted against parties that tried to whip up pro LTTE sentiments. But the concern for Tamils in Sri Lanka remains. Observers fear that Prabhakaran's death may make the Tamils in Sri Lanka more vulnerable now.

"Those who live by the sword, die by the sword. But as far as Tamils are concerned, they are back to square one, back to feeling insecure. There needs to be an alternative leadership to represent them," put forth S Murari, Expert, Sri Lankan Affairs.

The big question now is whether the end of war will mean the dawn of peace in Sri Lanka. The DMK will now be expected to step up pressure on the Centre to ensure that a political settlement is brought about so that the rights of Tamils are protected.
