This Article is From Aug 11, 2011

Obama thanks Muslims for service at Ramadan dinner

Washington: President Barack Obama on Wednesday night hosted a traditional Ramadan break-the-fast dinner at the White House, using the occasion to recognize Muslim survivors of the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks and to thank Muslims for their service to the country.

The president said that, with the 10-year anniversary of Sept. 11 coming in a month, it's a good time to remember that people of many backgrounds died in the 2001 attacks, including Muslim Americans. He noted that Muslim Americans also responded to the attacks on the towers and that they defend the country in the military.

The president says that in the U.S., in his words, "there's no them and us -it's just us."
Obama has hosted an Iftar dinner annually, as did his predecessor George W. Bush.
