This Article is From Mar 15, 2010

Dog eats diamond worth 20,000 USD

Washington DC: A dog named Soli with expensive tastes swallowed a diamond worth 20-thousand US dollars, causing panic for the owners of a jewelry shop outside Washington DC.

A diamond dealer brought the big rock to the store but he dropped it as he got it out to show owners Robert Rosin and George Kaufmann, and in an instant, Soli had gobbled up the three-plus carat rock.

They called a vet who advised them to let the diamond follow nature's course, which meant Kaufmann had to trackSilo'ss every movement.

"It was not that pleasant. I followed him. I had to pick up his stuff. I went through the things. I can understand what it was like in the old Gold Rush because I felt like I had just hit pay dirt," Kaufman said.

After three days, the gem appeared and the dealer got his diamond back.

As for Soli, he's getting plenty of traditional doggy snacks to keep him from making a dog's dinner of any more gems.
