The official notification reads: "Representation in respect of the Tentative Answer Keys, if any, may be submitted online from July 5 (7 pm) to July 8 (7 pm) on payment of Rs 100 per question/answer challenged. Representations received after July 8 (7pm) will not be entertained under any circumstances."
The Paper-I 2024 was conducted from June 27 to June 29 at different centers all over the country.
Delhi Police, CAPFs (SI) 2024: Steps to Raise Objection
- Visit the official website, ssc.gov.in
- On the homepage, click on the SSC CPO 2024 answer key link
- Login using credentials
- Click on 'Answer Key Challenge' in the my application section
- Click on the challenge
- Pay the challenge fee and click on submit
- Save a copy for future reference
Delhi Police, CAPFs (SI) 2024: Paper 1 Syllabus
General Reasoning
This section covers Verbal Reasoning, Syllogism, Blood Relations, Directions and Distances, Ordering and Ranking, Data Sufficiency, Coding and Decoding, Code Inequalities, Circular Seating Arrangement, Linear Seating Arrangement, Double Lineup, Scheduling, and Input Output.
Current Affairs
This section covers Awards and Honours, Books and Authors, Sports, Entertainment, Obituaries, Important Dates, and Scientific Research.
Quantitative Aptitude
Topics include Number Series, Speed, Distance and Time, Time and Work, Number System, Data Sufficiency, Percentage, Ratio and Percentage, Data Interpretation, Mensuration and Geometry, Quadratic Equation, Interest, Problems of Ages, Profit and Loss.
English Comprehension
Topics include Reading Comprehension, Grammar, Vocabulary, Verbal Ability, Synonyms-Antonyms, Active and Passive Voice, Para Jumbles, Fill in the Blanks, and Error Correction.