Opinion: Mark Zuckerberg Should At Least Step Down As Facebook Chairman

Opinion: Mark Zuckerberg Should At Least Step Down As Facebook Chairman

Margaret Sullivan, The Washington Post | Tuesday November 20, 2018

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg once set out a bit of digital-world wisdom that became his company's informal motto: "Move fast and break things." After the past week's developments, the 34-year-old should declare mission accomplished - and find something else to do for the next few decades.

Opinion: She Created A Document To Warn Women Of Sexual Harassers, And It's Haunted Her Ever Since

Opinion: She Created A Document To Warn Women Of Sexual Harassers, And It's Haunted Her Ever Since

Margaret Sullivan, The Washington Post | Monday April 23, 2018

Moira Donegan readily admits that she didn't know what was coming last fall when she briefly posted a crowdsourced document identifying dozens of men in the publishing industry who reportedly had sexually harassed or assaulted women.

Opinion: From The Pen Of An 18-Year-Old Harvey Weinstein

Opinion: From The Pen Of An 18-Year-Old Harvey Weinstein

Margaret Sullivan, The Washington Post | Wednesday October 18, 2017

It had been going on since the early 1980s

Opinion: What TV Journalists Did Wrong - And The New York Times Did Right - In Meeting With Trump

Opinion: What TV Journalists Did Wrong - And The New York Times Did Right - In Meeting With Trump

Margaret Sullivan, The Washington Post | Wednesday November 23, 2016

On Monday, some of the biggest names in TV news trooped into Trump Tower for an off-the-record meeting with the president-elect.

Opinion: Face It, Facebook: You're In The News Business

Opinion: Face It, Facebook: You're In The News Business

Margaret Sullivan, The Washington Post | Monday July 11, 2016

But Facebook doesn't see itself that way, even though two thirds of its 1.6 billion users get news there - and even though they all now can be citizen journalists with live-broadcast cameras in their pockets.

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