This Article is From Aug 21, 2016

Donald Trump Calls On GOP To Improve African American Outreach

Donald Trump Calls On GOP To Improve African American Outreach

Polling shows Donald Trump lagging significantly behind rival Hillary Clinton among minority voters.

FREDERICKSBURGH, Virginia: Donald Trump is calling on the Republican Party to boost its traditionally lagging efforts in winning over black voters.

Speaking at a rally in the critical battleground state of Virginia Saturday, Trump said that the "GOP has to do better" and wants to do better in its outreach to black voters.

The revelation follows a meeting Trump had earlier in the day with his newly-minted Hispanic advisory board, which is working to boost his outreach with that demographic.

A shake-up in his campaign management this week quickly prompted noticeable changes to his campaigning tactics.

Polling shows Trump lagging significantly behind rival Hillary Clinton among minority voters, partially due to controversial comments he has made accusing Mexico of illegally sending rapist and criminals across the border.