Top 10 Royal kisses

Updated: October 17, 2011 14:35 IST

The first public kiss between a Royal couple is sometimes cute, sometimes passionate, sometimes even uncomfortable but ALWAYS worth a watch! Ahead, 10 Royal Wedding kisses from recent years.

Top 10 Royal kisses
The first public kiss between a Royal couple is sometimes cute, sometimes passionate, sometimes even uncomfortable but ALWAYS worth a watch! Ahead, 10 Royal Wedding kisses from recent years.
Top 10 Royal kisses
Just last week, Bhutan's stunning newly-wed Royals, King Jigme Khesar Nagyel Wangchuck and Queen Jetsun Pema, thrilled the public with not one but three kisses. They outdid the British Royals, William and Kate, who kissed twice on public insistence after their first kiss was overruled for being just a peck.
Top 10 Royal kisses
William and Kate's fairy tale wedding ended in a fairy tale moment on the balcony of Buckingham Palace. The new Duke and Duchess of Cambridge kissed not once but twice on public demand. The first kiss was too much of a peck and William and Kate readily obliged with a second more lingering one.
Top 10 Royal kisses
Kate and William's wedding day double peck followed another iconic kiss at the same spot – that of Princess Diana and Prince Charles – thirty years ago.
Top 10 Royal kisses
The eldest granddaughter of Queen Elizabeth, Zara Phillips and England Rugby captain Mike Tindall shared a kiss after their wedding in July this year. Though the wedding itself wasn't quite the scale of the William-Kate wedding, the tenderness of the first wedding kiss was no less delightful.
Top 10 Royal kisses
Monaco came to a standstill as one-time Olympic swimmer Charlene Wittstock married Prince Albert II to become Princess of Monaco in July this year. Many said their tender kiss was somewhat ruined (and looked uncomfortable) in the light of persistent rumours of Charlene trying to flee Monaco shortly before the wedding after discovering Prince Albert allegedly had a third illegitimate child.
Top 10 Royal kisses
Prince Nikolaos of Greece, for years one of Europe's most eligible bachelors, married Tatiana Blatnik last year. Their passionate kiss warmed the hearts of guests at their grand wedding.
Top 10 Royal kisses
On June 19, 2010 Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden married her long-time lover Daniel Westling in a charming ceremony, followed in true Royal style and tradition, by their first kiss as a couple to the cheers of the crowd.
Top 10 Royal kisses
Danish Crown Prince Frederik and his bride Princess Mary kissed on the balcony Christian VII's Palace after their wedding on May 14, 2004 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Top 10 Royal kisses
In 2001, Norway saw a Royal Wedding as memorable as the Royal Wedding kiss which followed. Crown Prince Haakon Magnus married beautiful, blonde and single mother Mette-Marit Tjessem Hoiby, as his queen.
Top 10 Royal kisses
Not really recent, but any list on Royal Wedding kisses would remain incomplete without a mention of the iconic wedding of Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson in 1986. An estimated 500 million people tuned in to watch the pageantry on TV. A mammoth crowd had clamoured to see their kiss. Despite the fairy tale moments, Sarah Ferguson later admitted her marriage began to break down within a week of the grand wedding because of Prince Andrew's naval duties.

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