Fashion Fever: Celeb Kids

Updated: March 15, 2011 15:01 IST

Meet celebrity kids: They are famous, they are super stylish, they are superstars in the making. Brats or not, we love them. Let's find out how the stars dress their kids.

Fashion Fever: Celeb Kids
Sridevi's making a comeback into the social circuit and this time she has her two princesses to add to the eye candy. Her lil' girls Jhanavi and Khushi take turns to stand pretty next to her at various social dos. Recently we spotted the younger one, Khushi, looking like a 10 year old's dream in a candy floss pink dress which can make even the toughest fashion critic smile.
Fashion Fever: Celeb Kids
While Khushi is all about pink 'n' cute, Jhanavi goes for a much bolder look. The edgy on this one's tremendous, and we doubt she got it from her Momma.
Fashion Fever: Celeb Kids
SRK has great fashion sense, and so does the wife (we excuse the just-out-of-the-gym sweaty look). But we think the kids take the cake away, in 'style'. Daughter Suhana pulls off messy hair in casual outfits and a forever ready pout, while Aryan is SRK's miniature version. We love the straight off-the-bike hair and the statement Tees. He's a heartbreaker in the making!
Fashion Fever: Celeb Kids
Speaking of heartbreaker, wouldn't you say Hrithik's kids have great potential too? While Hrehaan and Hridhaan get the perfect skin from Mommy Sussanne, Hrithik lends his genes in the photogenic department. These boys sure know how to pose, eyebrows arched. You can't stay mad at these cuties for long!
Fashion Fever: Celeb Kids
Khiladi Kumar's son Aarav certainly has taken after Twinkle's style. She consistently keeps it simple, and so does he. Normally seen in shirts and jeans, this kid looks like he has his head straight. We'd love to see him experiment though, with all that money.
Fashion Fever: Celeb Kids
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have a whole brood of fashion troops, each more stylish than the other. Two-year-old twins Vivienne and Knox are still in the cuddly mode, strapped to their parents in soft headgear.
Fashion Fever: Celeb Kids
Shiloh Jolie-Pitt is making waves converting the sidewalk into a runway. We especially loved the Ralph Lauren military jacket, which is now on sale.
Fashion Fever: Celeb Kids
The other adorable munchkins, adopted or not, show off some very covetable style. Maddox sports a mohawk and keeps it ghetto spunky, in white sneakers, a matching white tank, black cargos and a sling messenger bag, not letting go lil' sis Zahara who is ladylike in little white shorts and a yellow cardigan. Shiloh, the fashion master in the family, like always looked preppy in her signature tomboy style wearing a light polo shirt over khaki slacks and some clean Converse sneakers. Bringing the fashion forward is Pax in a linen suit and a cap, with some aviators to give that extra oomph. We can never get enough of this family.
Fashion Fever: Celeb Kids
And who can forget the lovely Cruise family. Tom and Katie let their daughter Suri make her own fashion choices and fortunately, she's quite good at it too! Fashion icon for toddlers, Suri Cruise's fashion guts are to be admired. This little girl loves lipsticks, floral dresses and can give her Mom a run for her money. To be a toddler today one must be fashion focused.
Fashion Fever: Celeb Kids
Jessica Alba's little Honor Marie Warren is the cutest little thing alive.She loves booties, and headbands. For this one fashion's all about keeping it smart and chic, just like Jess.
Fashion Fever: Celeb Kids
Unlike the mother-daughter duo Madonna-Lourdes, who seem to not share any sense of fashion. Lourdes is surprisingly conservative and at most preppy. This one could give her headline grabbing Mom a few style tips in age-appropriate dressing, unlike Madge who makes us want to roll our eyeballs.
Fashion Fever: Celeb Kids
Speaking of inappropriate, Miley Cyrus is growing faster than a beanstock. We love that she tries hard and maybe it's her age to experiment, but a few leaves off Hailee Steinfeld's style files won't hurt. She sure knows how to knock us off our feet!

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