The CBSE class 10 board exams started today with the first core paper-Mathematics. Students, all cheerful, have said that the paper was easy and questions came directly from the NCERT textbook. Soon after the exam, students took to social media their opinion on the difficulty level of the paper. While students found trigonometry questions to be tough, the paper was however easy to attempt. Class 10 students, who took the first paper of the first board exam today, are expecting a good score.
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"The question paper was easy and maximum number of questions were from the NCERT text book. In two sets, the theorem was same but the third set had a different one. According to the students set 3 was the simplest. The paper was designed in a manner that it boosted morale of the students. The paper pattern was as expected. Rigorous practice has paid dividends when we saw the happy and smiling faces of the students," commented Ms Anita Sirohi and Ms Sutha Sahadevan, TGT Maths APS Delhi Cantt.
In another development, the CBSE has decided to introduce a "less difficult" mathematics paper for class 10 students from 2020. In this reform, the board aims to reduce the stress of those students who do not wish to pursue higher education in mathematics.
The theory paper of Mathematics carries a total of 80 marks; the rest is allocated for internal assessment. As per the new pass mark criteria, a student has to score 33% in total (adding the theory and practical marks) to qualify the paper.
CBSE board exams had officially begun in February. In order to give more time to students for applying to higher education, the Board had decided to conclude the exam early. Exams, for the skill based papers or the vocational subjects and the papers where number of students are less, were conducted before the core papers.
Class 10 students have their next exam on March 9-- Kannada, Arabic, French, Gurung and March 13--Science paper. The exams will conclude on March 29.
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