Is India Winning The Coronavirus War? The 'R' Factor | Read

PUBLISHED ON: August 17, 2020 | Duration: 3 min, 53 sec

The coronavirus attacks different regions of a country with differing intensity. Using the 'R' rate, we look at which states in India are winning or losing the Indo-Coronavirus war. The 'R', or the Reproduction Rate, measures how infectious the coronavirus is - put simply, it is a measure of how many people are infected by one infected person. If 'R' is 2.0, it indicates that one person who is infected with COVID-19 will on average infect another two people. Those two persons will each go on to infect another two persons - and so the infection spreads exponentially in society resulting in a pandemic.
मुंबई में कोरोना पॉजिटिविटी रेट 11 फीसदी के ऊपर, अस्पतालों ने तैयार किए कोविड वॉर रूम

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