Review in pics: Disco

Updated: April 22, 2012 10:00 IST

Directed by Hari K Chanduri, Disco is a story of an orphan boy named 'Disco' played by actor Nikhil, who got his name as the lights started flickering when he was born in a government hospital.

Review in pics: Disco
Cast: Nikhil, Sara Sharma, Ali, Ashish Vidyarthi, Vijay, Khayum, Vamshi Krishna, Raghu Babu, Kasi Viswanath, Subhasini, KL Prasad, Sayaji Shinde Brahmanandam, Pruthvi, MS Narayana, Ali Qayyum, Vijaya Sai and Paidithalli.

Director: Hari K Chanduri
Review in pics: Disco
Directed by Hari K Chanduri, Disco is a story of an orphan boy named 'Disco' played by actor Nikhil, who was named such because the lights started flickering when he was born in a government hospital.
Review in pics: Disco
Disco is very posessive about his three friends, Qayyum, Vijaya Sai and Paidithalli and can go to any lengths if anyone tries to harm them.
Review in pics: Disco
One day Disco meets a beautiful girl named Shiny, played by actress Sara Sharma and falls in love with her.
Review in pics: Disco
Later, Disco finds out that Shiny stays in Bangkok and decides to go there with his friends to meet her. After reaching Bangkok he finds out that Shiny is the daughter of a don, played by Ashish Vidyarthi.
Review in pics: Disco
As the story unfolds, Shiny's father abducts Disco's friends and he's left in a complicated situation where he needs to choose between his friends and love of his life.
Review in pics: Disco
Nikhil has performed well in the movie and has shown vastly improved body language and diction from his earlier films.
Review in pics: Disco
Sara Sharma fails to impress with her wooden expressions.
Review in pics: Disco
The script and screenplay of the film is too weak to make it watchable and the editing of the film is also poor.
Review in pics: Disco
Hari K Chanduri disappoints as director. Overall, Disco is a tedious movie to watch.

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