Osiris Rex Mission
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'Osiris Rex Mission' - 3 News Result(s)
NASA Prepares OSIRIS-REx to Safely Store Leaking Asteroid Samples
- Tuesday October 27, 2020
- Agence France-Presse
NASA's robotic spacecraft OSIRIS-REx is set to begin a new mission to store the particles it scooped up from the asteroid Bennu’s surface which were slowly leaking into space because a flap got wedged open.
Nasa's OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Mission Passes Critical Milestone to Launch
- Wednesday April 1, 2015
- Written by Vidhyanshu
The Origins Spectral Interpretation Resource Identification Security Regolith Explorer is officially authorised to transition into its next phase.
'Osiris Rex Mission' - 3 News Result(s)
NASA Prepares OSIRIS-REx to Safely Store Leaking Asteroid Samples
- Tuesday October 27, 2020
- Agence France-Presse
NASA's robotic spacecraft OSIRIS-REx is set to begin a new mission to store the particles it scooped up from the asteroid Bennu’s surface which were slowly leaking into space because a flap got wedged open.
Nasa's OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Mission Passes Critical Milestone to Launch
- Wednesday April 1, 2015
- Written by Vidhyanshu
The Origins Spectral Interpretation Resource Identification Security Regolith Explorer is officially authorised to transition into its next phase.