Practising For Yoga Day in Sweden

Updated: June 19, 2015 22:45 IST

With the Yoga Day this Sunday, asanas were performed at Art of Living Foundation in Sweden.

Practicing For Yoga Day in Sweden
A man practising asana at the Art of Living Foundation.
Practicing For Yoga Day in Sweden
Nearly two billion people across 192 nations are expected to participate in the first International Yoga Day on June 21.
Practicing For Yoga Day in Sweden
Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government has gone all out to make International Yoga Day a mega event.
Practicing For Yoga Day in Sweden
On September 27, 2014, Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the UN General Assembly stating yoga is an invaluable gift of India's ancient tradition.
Practising For Yoga Day in Sweden
Art of Living Foundation is also doing its bit to popularise the event. As part of International Yoga Day, the centre in Coimbatore is organising a free yoga session in the city.

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