Mulayam booed for sexist remarks on Women's Bill

Updated: March 25, 2010 13:14 IST

Mulayam Singh Yadav has come under heavy attack from political parties, women's rights groups and even his former party leaders, a day after his controversial remarks about the Women's Reservation Bill.

Mulayam booed for sexist remarks on Women\'s Bill
A remark at a rally on March 23 by Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav has drawn ire from across the political spectrum.

Seen as 'sexist' and insulting to women, Mulayam's controversial argument on the Women's Bill, quite predictably, drew flak from political parties, women's rights groups and even his former party leaders.

For most, Mulayam's extreme position on the Women's Bill spoke of double standards on part of a man who had fielded his daughter-in-law in the Firozabad by elections last year.

Addressing SP workers at a function to mark Ram Manohar Lohia's birth centenary in Lucknow on Tuesday, Mulayam had said, "I don't like to say this, but they (those elected due to women's quota) would be the women like wives and daughters of officers and businessmen, the kind who get whistled at".
Mulayam booed for sexist remarks on Women\'s Bill
Mulayam's comment angered leaders cutting across party lines. Here's what left most of them enraged: "If the Women's Reservation Bill goes through, it's the daughters of industrialists and big bureaucrats who will get elected. The girls who will be elected will be the sort who get whistled at by boys. I am saying this so it makes you angry."
Mulayam booed for sexist remarks on Women\'s Bill
Lashing out at her former boss for his sexist remark, former Samajwadi Party member Jaya Prada said: "I never expected such a statement from Netaji. This is a consequence of his perverted thoughts towards the women of this country. He has insulted all the women who are participating in the parliamentary system in India". (Image:
Mulayam booed for sexist remarks on Women\'s Bill
Jaya Prada also requested the Women's Commission of India to take strict action against Yadav.

"I have never understood why Mulayam Singh has been opposing the Women's Bill. This statement has cleared all my doubts and I now feel that it was this anti-women feeling due to which he expelled me from the party. I had always respected him like a father-figure, but he has insulted me."
Mulayam booed for sexist remarks on Women\'s Bill
"This is male-chauvinism and an effort to suppress women. I am disappointed with this statement. When I was in SP, I respected Mulayamji, but after this statement, I feel happy to have left the party," said Jaya.
Mulayam booed for sexist remarks on Women\'s Bill
Former icon of the Samajwadi Party, Amar Singh called Mulayam's remarks Talibani, shameful and ridiculous.

Reacting to Mulayam Singh's comment that Women's Bill will send to Parliament the sort of women who invite catcalls and whistles, Amar Singh said "No one has ever whistled at Jaya Prada even though she is beautiful."
Mulayam booed for sexist remarks on Women\'s Bill
Once a trusted lieutenant of Mulayam, Amar Singh claimed that the statement was rich coming from a man who, according to Singh, has often favoured "rich and good-looking" women in the party over those from humble backgrounds while distributing party posts and tickets.
Mulayam booed for sexist remarks on Women\'s Bill
More anger came Mulayam Singh's way from Congress leader Renuka Chowdhury who dared him to put into action what he claimed. Chowdhury said, "Mulayam Singh has forgotten that he fielded his daughter-in-law. So it's okay for her to be whistled at. We want to know who has the courage to whistle at us, nothing stops us from whistling back."
Mulayam booed for sexist remarks on Women\'s Bill
Terming the remark as extremely unfortunate coming from a national leader, CPM leader Brinda Karat said: "It also shows that when you have no logic or rationale in your opposition to the bill, you descend to such low levels of political discourse. Apart from that catcalling or whistling at women is considered an offence of harassment. Therefore he should apologise, he should regret his statements and withdraw them."
Mulayam booed for sexist remarks on Women\'s Bill
An angry Madhu Kishwar remarked: "This kind of a mindset shows that the man realised that he has lost the battle".
Mulayam booed for sexist remarks on Women\'s Bill
Expressing "shock and pain" at the comment, NCW Chairperson Girija Vyas said, "if these are the kind of words used by a senior leader, then what will others say. I was not expecting this from a leader of Mulayam Singh's stature."
Mulayam booed for sexist remarks on Women\'s Bill
Senior Congress leader Digvijay Singh called the remark "extremely unfortunate". "If he (Mulayam) had such feelings he should not have fielded his daughter-in-law as a candidate."

Mulayam's daughter-in-law Dimple Yadav had unsuccessfully contested a Lok Sabha by-election in Uttar Pradesh last year.
Mulayam booed for sexist remarks on Women\'s Bill
Congress spokesperson Abhishek Singhvi said "When you become senior in politics you should choose your words carefully. If you cannot do anything for women, at least do not make fun of them."
Mulayam booed for sexist remarks on Women\'s Bill
Mulayam however is in no mood to retract his statement. At a meeting of party workers at the SP headquarters on Thursday, Yadav asserted that his statement was not a slip of tongue but was made after evaluating all aspects so as to initiate a debate on the issue.

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