Lighting Up Phugtal Monastery

Updated: July 01, 2016 14:10 IST

Our team of volunteers has made it to the Phugtal Monastery where monks have been living in darkness for over a century. They will light up the abode with solar micro-grids that produce green energy.

Lighting Up Phugtal Monastery
The monks fiddle with a switch to see how this bulb functions.
Lighting Up Phugtal Monastery
Team members lift the head electrician onto a sack of barley to help him reach the socket.
Lighting Up Phugtal Monastery
Hose checks the position and placement of the panel.
Lighting Up Phugtal Monastery
After spending hours fixing bulbs, batteries and the rids, mixing the cement, and screwing the frames, it is finally time to fix the solar panels.
Lighting Up Phugtal Monastery
The team sits down to attach wires to bulb sockets.
Lighting Up Phugtal Monastery
Hose and Kate are surrounded by curious little monks as they meticulously fix the wires on the bulb sockets.
Lighting Up Phugtal Monastery
Jaideep and Aditya came out of a tiny cave home after fixing a few bulbs onto the ceiling. The dust inside the ceiling smudged their faces each time they hit the socket with a hammer.
Lighting Up Phugtal Monastery
The monks and the team were all super excited about the installation. Here, a lama makes an attempt at wiring the bulb socket to the ceiling in the lobby.
Lighting Up Phugtal Monastery
An old monk observes the head electrician as he drops a line from the panel to the batteries.

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