Counting of votes for assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir and Jharkhand have begun.
Jharkhand, Jammu & Kashmir Prep For Election Results Counting of votes for assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir and Jharkhand have begun. Dec 23, 2014 08:26 am IST Share Twitter WhatsApp Facebook Reddit Email Share Twitter WhatsApp Facebook Reddit Email Counting of votes for assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir and Jharkhand have begun. People gathered outside a counting center in Kashmir. This image was posted on Twitter by Nazir Masoodi Share Twitter WhatsApp Facebook Reddit Email Across Jammu and Kashmir, security was tightened outside counting centres ahead of counting. This image was posted on Twitter by @ANI Share Twitter WhatsApp Facebook Reddit Email In Ranchi too, security was tightened outside counting centres ahead of counting. This image was posted on Twitter by @ANI Share Twitter WhatsApp Facebook Reddit Email Security personnel were seen patrolling Ranchi's streets. This image was posted on Twitter by @ANI Share Twitter WhatsApp Facebook Reddit Email Meanwhile, the BJP party office in Ranchi is stocking up on sweets, should the result turn out in their favour. This image was posted on Twitter by @ANI