Introducing Tejas: India's interceptor, battle-ready by 2015

Updated: December 20, 2013 18:02 IST

India's indigenously built Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas got its second Initial Operation Clearance on 20 December 2013 at an event in Bangalore, which was attended by Defence Minister AK Antony. For the next 12 to 15 months, the Air Force will integrate the new aircraft into the force. Tejas is expected to be battle ready by the end of 2015.

Introducing Tejas: India\'s interceptor, battle-ready by 2015
India's indigenously built Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas got its second Initial Operation Clearance on 20 December 2013 at an event in Bangalore, which was attended by Defence Minister AK Antony.
Introducing Tejas: India\'s interceptor, battle-ready by 2015
For the next 12 to 15 months, the Indian Air Force will integrate the new aircraft into the force.
Introducing Tejas: India\'s interceptor, battle-ready by 2015
Defence Minister AK Antony with Air Chief Marshal NAK Browne during the event.
Introducing Tejas: India\'s interceptor, battle-ready by 2015
Tejas is expected to be battle-ready by the end of 2015.
Introducing Tejas: India\'s interceptor, battle-ready by 2015
The first 20 Tejas planes will be powered by the American GE-404 engines; the next six Mark-II squadrons (16-18 jets in each) will have the more powerful GE F-414 engines.
Introducing Tejas: India\'s interceptor, battle-ready by 2015
Tejas will be replacing the aging MiG-21 Russian-made fighter aircraft and play a key role in air defence in the form of an interceptor.
Introducing Tejas: India\'s interceptor, battle-ready by 2015
Defence Minister AK Antony and Air Chief Marshal NAK Browne with IAF pilots during the event.

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