International Yoga Day: Delhi Prepares Itself for the Big Celebration

Updated: June 11, 2015 18:38 IST

To mark the first International Yoga Day on June 21, Prime Minister Narendra Modi pitched for making Yoga a mass movement, the national capital has started preperating itself for the big day.

Delhi Prepares Itself for International Yoga Day
June 21 was named the International Yoga Day by the United Nations General Assembly following support from 177 countries.
Delhi Prepares Itself for International Yoga Day
On the occasion, the Indian government is organising Yoga Day events across 192 countries member countries of the United Nations, except Yemen.
Delhi Prepares Itself for International Yoga Day
In Delhi, an early morning yoga programme is scheduled at Rajpath, in which 35,000 schoolchildren and diplomats are expected to participate.
Delhi Prepares Itself for International Yoga Day
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address the gathering on Rajpath were Yoga Performances are expected to take place.
Delhi Prepares Itself for International Yoga Day
The other big programme will be held at New York's Times Square, where 30,000 people will be led through the poses by yoga guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

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