In Pictures: From Punjab's Burning Fields To Choking Delhi

Updated: November 09, 2017 15:05 IST

As toxic smog hangs over Delhi and air quality worsens by the hour, the capital has declared a pollution emergency. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has urged Punjab and Haryana to stop their farmers from burning waste as they prep to sow the winter crop of wheat.

In Pictures: From Punjab\'s Burning Fields To Choking Delhi
Farmers in Punjab have been burning crop to clear their fields (Photo credit: Joanna B. Pinneo)
In Pictures: From Punjab\'s Burning Fields To Choking Delhi
Field workers use fertilizer on a partially burned field in Punjab (Photo credit: Joanna B. Pinneo)
In Pictures: From Punjab\'s Burning Fields To Choking Delhi
Thick blanket of smoke along the highway (Photo credit: Joanna B. Pinneo)
In Pictures: From Punjab\'s Burning Fields To Choking Delhi
Delhi wrapped in toxic smog (Photo credit: Joanna B. Pinneo)
In Pictures: From Punjab\'s Burning Fields To Choking Delhi
Early morning joggers in Nehru Park. Many are complaining of headaches, coughs and burning eyes. (Photo credit: Joanna B. Pinneo)
In Pictures: From Punjab\'s Burning Fields To Choking Delhi
Auto rickshaw driver Manpal Singh Yadav has breathing problems and works the night shift (Photo credit: Joanna B. Pinneo)
In Pictures: From Punjab\'s Burning Fields To Choking Delhi
Overview of the city from the Gazipur garbage dump (Photo credit: Joanna B. Pinneo)

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