In Pics: Fleeing Russian Attack, Packed Trains Pour Into Ukraine's Lviv

Updated: March 05, 2022 21:21 IST

Thousands of women and children, many weeping and numb with exhaustion, arrived in Lviv in western Ukraine on Saturday as the state railway put on more trains to rescue people from fierce Russian attacks on eastern cities.

In Pics: Ukrainians In Lviv Wait For Hours To Board Trains, Fleeing Russian Attacks
Lviv, a city of trams and cobblestone streets, has become a staging area for humanitarian aid
In Pics: Ukrainians In Lviv Wait For Hours To Board Trains, Fleeing Russian Attacks
Families arrived in Lviv with few belongings. Some on wheelchairs, others accompanied by pet dogs and cats, uncertain about their fate
In Pics: Ukrainians In Lviv Wait For Hours To Board Trains, Fleeing Russian Attacks
Hundreds more people lined up in flurries of snow on the station forecourt, warming themselves on oil-drum braziers or lining up for hot food and drinks served by volunteers.
In Pics: Fleeing Russians, Trains Packed With Ukrainians Pour Into Lviv
Women shuffled with their children through a crowded tunnel leading to a platform where were four or five trains a day leave for Poland
In Pics: Fleeing Russians, Trains Packed With Ukrainians Pour Into Lviv
Long lines have been seen for free buses to Poland for women, children and older men. Men of fighting age are not permitted to leave Ukraine.
In Pics: Fleeing Russians, Trains Packed With Ukrainians Pour Into Lviv
The UN refugee agency has said the conflict looked set to trigger Europe's largest refugee crisis this century.

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