Four more years: America celebrates

Updated: November 07, 2012 10:22 IST

Supporters of President Barack Obama react soon after the news of his re-election is announced in United States.

Four more years: America celebrates
Barack Obama will return for a second term as President of USA. Supporters receive the news with joy and elation.
Four more years: America celebrates
A young supporter of Obama waves a flag.
Four more years: America celebrates
Across USA, the mood is celebratory.
Four more years: America celebrates
Thousands of supporters cheer for President Obama in Chicago.
Four more years: America celebrates
Emotions run high as Obama's return is announced.
Four more years: America celebrates
Tears of joy greet the news of Obama's re-election.
Four more years: America celebrates
We Have Overcome, say Obama's America.
Four more years: America celebrates
A sea of stars and stripes as euphoria over Obama's win grips America.
Four more years: America celebrates
Obama, the harbinger of change. Yes, he can, this man believes.
Four more years: America celebrates
In New York's Times Square, ear-splitting grins punctuated by sombre faces – Romney supporters?
Four more years: America celebrates
Four more years – Obama supporters hold up four fingers.
Four more years: America celebrates
Photo-ops in New York's Times Square
Four more years: America celebrates
Supporters get emotional after Obama's win.
Four more years: America celebrates
Celebrations in the village of Kogelo in western Kenya, home to the President's grandmother Sarah Obama.
Four more years: America celebrates
A double high five for Obama.
Four more years: America celebrates
Three cheers for the President.
Four more years: America celebrates
A thumbs up from the gay and lesbian community. Opposition to same-sex marriage was one of the key points on Republican candidate Mitt Romney's agenda.
Four more years: America celebrates
The President's championing of women's rights proved a winning platform for Team Obama.
Four more years: America celebrates
Among the revelry, a cheer for Obama's promise of hope and change.

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