Janhvi Kapoor has been creating a buzz on the internet with her outfit of the day. The Mr & Mrs Mahi actress recently posted a reel on her Instagram handle that showed her grooving to her latest single Dheere Dheere that featured Jr. NTR along in the official video. What's more, Janhvi's social media post saw the actress wearing the most gorgeous floral printed white maxi dress and performing the song in a garden filled with flowers while she is currently in London with friend Orry and beau Shikhar Pahariya.
Also Read: Janhvi Kapoor's Devara BTS Moment In A White Dhoti Saree Will Transport You To The Past
Janhvi Kapoor looked as fresh as a flower as she made her way through a flower garden in London dressed in a white peasant-style floor-grazing dress detailed with a multicolour floral print. The sleeveless dress featured a U-neckline and a halter detail secured at the back of her neck with tie-up spaghetti straps. The dress was synched on the neckline with a drawstring and bow design. Fitted on the bodice, the spring-summer appropriate ensemble flowed in voluminous pleats downward.
Janhvi Kapoor went sans accessories for the look and let her outfit take center stage. On the hair and makeup front, she kept things minimal and went for a windswept open tresses look. She paired this with a no-makeup look featuring nothing but peachy lip gloss to add a hint of colour to her lips.
Didn't Janhvi Kapoor look like a breath of fresh air on a summer morning in this white floor grazing dress?
Also Read: Janhvi Kapoor's "Rise And Grind" Full Body Workout Serves The Purpose Of Our Midweek Motivation
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