Trains Between Stations
All the information that the user needs about all these different kinds of trains that run between stations is now within his/her command. Our simple NDTV Rail Beeps search will bring right in front of your screen, the details of the number of trains running, operative days of the trains, train timings and a lot many more options. The simple NDTV Rail Beeps is based on real time data from the Indian Railways with results that are constantly updated.
The NDTV Rail Beeps search is based from the latest Indian Railways and IRCTC schedules. With accurate data of different train timetables, it will help the user plan his/her travel much more efficiently.
How to Find Trains Between Stations Quickly
There are two search boxes. The user has to simply type the names of the two stations in them.
When you write the name of the station, a drop-down menu will provide you with one or more options of the station name and the station code. Simply select the station you want. For Ex: On typing New Delhi, the drop-down menu will display the option: "NEW DELHI (NDLS)".
After selecting the station name and station code of two stations, simply select the date of journey and click on the "Search Train" option.
Search Results
After you complete the above process, the following search results will appear:
1. Number of trains running between the two selected stations
2. Indian Railway train codes/ Train Numbers
3. Train names
4. The train station of origin
5. Scheduled Departure time
6. Scheduled Arrival time
7. The Weekly Schedule of the trains (Number of days the trains run in a week)
8. The Travel Class: AC, Chair Car, Sleeper, etc
With the increasing demand of getting information at your fingertips, here is the amazing ability to see trains between stations at your command, whenever you need it. And the whole process to get the information you want is very simple and completely hassle-free. The Indian Railways is the fourth largest railway networks in the world with 1,15,000 kms of tracks over a 65,000 kms of distance and a revenue of around Rs 1.7 trillion. All of this because around 20 million passengers travel every day in the Indian railways!
Not only this, but in 2015-16, an average of 13,313 passenger trains ran daily. The 13,313 trains were estimated to have carried around an estimated 22 million passengers every single day. The Indian Railways also have over 70,000 passenger coaches with more than 11,000 locomotives.
To cover so much ground, trains travel all across India between many stations. Because of the vast network of railways, there is a huge demand to travel. And since there is a huge demand to travel in today’s age of rapid advancement in technology, a huge information database for trains between stations is the need of the hour. Especially a reliable database that has information on all the different trains between stations all across India and which is also easily accessible without any difficulties.
Now, Information Enquiry For All National Trains Is Easy
What is also important is to get to know the trains between all the stations in an easy, user-friendly manner, as over-complicated steps should not turn away the user. Fortunately, with the way technology has progressed, gone are the times when one had to physically go to a railway station to find out information about all the different trains or even use phones to call up the railway stations and ask for information.
With the spread of the internet, it has now become extremely easy to access all the information one needs on all the important trains running through the entire railway network.
Database Of Trains In Indian Railways
There are a vast number of trains that run between important stations. All metropolitan cities as well as almost all other cities, towns and villages are covered in the entire length and breadth of the country’s railway network!
There are also a vast number of trains that run across the country every day. It is important that the database accurately covers all the trains that run across all the different stations. Any small error can lead to a huge loss for the user, which is unacceptable.
There are a large number of trains that are searched about daily by users who need to travel between many important stations. The many types of trains are the Rajdhani, Superfast trains, Duronto, Shatabdi, passenger trains, mail express trains and the local trains that run in the metro city of Mumbai.
Mumbai Local
The Mumbai Local trains are the most famous of the local trains because of the large volume of people who travel across the length and breadth of the huge city of Mumbai. It is also the oldest mode of transport in the mega city of Mumbai.
Luxury Trains
Apart from local trains and passenger trains, there are luxury trains too. Those passengers who wish to avail premium travel would also like information on such trains. These trains have a special travel circuit and they travel between important stations where there are many different tourist spots and they also stop at many different heritage spots as well.
Some of these luxury trains include the Maharajas Express, the Golden Chariot, the Deccan Odyssey and perhaps the most famous of all the luxury trains, the Palace On Wheels.
The trains are specially designed to reflect the utmost luxury to the passengers who choose to travel on these trains.
Garib Rath
Apart from the luxury trains, the Garib Rath is also a special, one-of-a-kind train. These trains have reduced fares to make train travel more affordable for those less fortunate. The Garib Rath trains are also super fast trains which also have Air Conditioned coaches as well, so that passengers travel with the least inconvenience.
The Garib Rath beats the speeds of some express trains and some super fast trains too!
Duronto Express
This is one of the fastest trains in India. The Duronto Express trains are parallel to the Rajdhani and Shatabdi trains when it comes to their speed! The Duronto trains have a special ability in that they are only connected to all the major capital cities of the country and the fact that they are long-distance trains allows them to complete long distances between major stations in very short times.
The NDTV database of trains between stations includes information on all of the above types of trains and the important stations that connect them.
Some Interesting Facts Of Trains Between Stations
With such a vast network of railway lines, there are a number of interesting facts about the different trains between stations that are sure to be of interest.
For example, the shortest distance that is covered between two successive stations is just 3 kms. The 3 kms long distance is between Nagpur station and Ajni station.
In contrast, the longest distance that is covered by a train is 4,273 kms. The distance is between the stations of Dibrugarh and Kanyakumari and the train that covers it is called the Vivek Express.
The station with the longest name is “Venkatanarasimharajuvaripeta” in Andhra Pradesh while the one with the smallest station name is “Ib” in Odisha.
The Trivandrum-Hazrat Nizamuddin Rajdhani Express train covers a distance of 528 kms without stopping!
Mobile App:
NDTV's Rail Beeps mobile app is your single stop for all information on trains. To Download click here
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