Prince Harry And Meghan Markle's Royal Wedding To Cost 32 Million Pounds?

The royal wedding of Prince Harry to Meghan Markle will happen at Windsor Castle
The royal wedding of Prince Harry to Meghan Markle will happen at Windsor Castle

The Royal wedding of thirty-three-old Prince Harry with Meghan Markle, 36, a star of the TV drama Suits, will take place in Windsor Castle's 15th-century St George's Chapel at a ceremony set to commence at 4.30 pm on Saturday. The details of her dress, the ring and the order of service have yet to be announced, reported Thomson Reuters on Friday. Prince Harry, who is a former army officer,  met his bride-to-be on a blind date in July 2016 after being set up through a mutual friend. Markle said she knew little about her royal date while Harry said he had never heard of Markle or watched her TV series.

However, it was love at first sight, and after just two dates, he whisked her off to Botswana for a holiday, camping under the stars. While in the UK, average couple spends £17,913 on the wedding day, Harry and Meghan are set to spend nearly £32 million, reported BBC. The cost, as released by, doesn't include security and honeymoon. The wedding will take place at St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle. Meghan Markle's father Thomas Markle wouldn't be able to attend the wedding.

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Royal Wedding: Expected Cost Of Prince Harry-Meghan Markle Wedding

1. The royal wedding's venue will cost £3,50,000. A luxury glass marquee will lighten the royal purse strings by 3,00,000 pounds. One can add to it the catering, security and staff adjoining marquees that will be required.

2. The catering of royal wedding between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle is expected to cost over £2,5 lakh.

3. The wedding cake is expected to cost £50,000. The cake, which is a lemon and elderflower creation with buttercream icing and topped with fresh flowers, has taken six bakers five days to prepare, according to its designer Claire Ptak, owner of Violet Bakery in east London. Ms Ptak has been assisted by a team of six other bakers, including Violet Bakery head baker Izaak Adams, as she's attentively created the three-part layered cake, reported The Independent.

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4. Music is likely to cost £30,00,000. It's likely that a world famous performer will be flown in to surprise the guests.

5. Wedding Rings is expected to cost £6,000. Since 1923, it has been a tradition in the Royal Family to use Welsh gold for the wedding ring of the bride, reported Bridebook.

6: Decoration and production cost is likely to cost nearly £1,30,000. The Bridebook speculates that a top London agency will be engaged for spectacular lighting and production between the Church, Windsor Castle and the wedding marquee.

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7. Security: It's separate from the wedding cost. A whopping 30 million pounds was spent for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in 2011. This wedding, however, will not happen in Central London. But the security is likely to be tight because of the number of members of the public attending this Royal Wedding. (With Reuters inputs)