Your Passport Expiring? Step-By-Step Guide For Renewal

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A passport is a vital document confirming identity and nationality, and is essential for travel purposes such as leisure or business

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Maintaining passport validity is crucial for a seamless travel experience

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An Indian passport is valid for ten years, requiring renewal afterward

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Renewal can be initiated up to three years post-expiry or one year before

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Commencing renewal at least nine months before expiry is recommended

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Minors' passports are valid for five years or until they turn 18, with online renewal options available

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Minors aged 15 to 18 can opt for a full-validity passport lasting 10 years

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The online renewal process involves registering on the Passport Seva website and filling out the application form


Passport renewal fees vary based on age, booklet pages, and the chosen scheme (normal or tatkal)

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The processing time ranges from 30-60 days for the normal scheme and three-seven days for the tatkal scheme

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